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Ellicott City NanaWall Home Remodel

Busy professional chose this wooded hideaway for their weekend retreat home, a 100 yr old summer cottage with irregular ceiling joists and a rolling floor. This is their cabin in the woods!


The inside/outside experience is provided by a Nana Wall, which was installed to expand the small kitchen/dining area, as well as, offer the beauty of the outdoors indoors. The Nana Wall completely open gives space a beauty that only nature can offer. When the wall is closed the beauty is still enjoyed through the complete glass wall. Nana Walls found their use in warmer clients such as; California and Arizona, areas with more of a mild climate year round, but they have made their way east due to the higher demand from homeowners to enjoy their outdoor living space.

nanawall closed

This homeowner has a sleeping bed on the screened porch to offer the ability to enjoy a “camping experience” without pitching a tent!

howard county kitchen remodel

My experience with Owings Brothers could not have been better. Every person associated with the company is courteous, smart, knowledgeable, flexible, fun and eager to make home restoration projects exactly as you want. My project moved along as planned, despite periods of terrible weather. There were few unpleasant surprises and several very pleasant ones, like discovering the rebuilt second floor had much more space than I had imagined! ~homeowner 

Howard County Resident Enjoys Nana Door

Photos of this Howard County Remodel